October 7, 2007

Has anyone else seen this trailer ? This looks to be equal parts horrifying and funny. It's probably one of those movies that will have you laughing through your tears, if you know what I mean. It kinda makes me think about where my yarn is coming from though.

For those of you who play on Ravelry, check out the new marching band group I started. I went to the annual Charlottesville Cavalcade this weekend, which is a marching band competition for local high schools. I was involved in my HS's marching band all four years and love to go see them compete. They did very well, took home a couple of second places.

In Knitting news....
I picked up a bad habit today. I haven't had a chance to take any pictures yet, but I bought a drop spindle and some roving today. Yikes! This is so addicting. My yarn is so thick and thin and slubby and wonderful.

I also caught some sort of virus last week and the sudden desire to....SEAM!

Before everyone starts sending me unfinished projects to seam up, let me say. I suck at seaming. I only seamed one square before I gave up. It is such tedious work. So then I knit a few more squares.I have done zero knitting on the things that matter, like Christmas presents and charity projects, but have been whipping out miters like my life depends on it. Figures, huh?

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