March 22, 2007

Secret knitting

I've been extremely negligent in posting pictures of my latest big project. Mostly because I feel a little guilty working on it when I have unfinished gifts still on the needles. But, since I have gotten so much done I will finally reveal what I am working on.

Can anyone name this classic knit that is popping up all over blogland? That's's the Central Park Hoodie! I have to make this short since the cafe is closing, but the sleeves are very close to finished, starting the fronts soon! I have had knitter's block lately though. Must be the warm weather but I can't bring myself to pick up my needles! I just ordered some knitting books the other day. Mason-Dixon Knitting was the first pick, I also pre-ordered The Yarn Harlot's newest. I am going yarn shopping this weekend, hoping to pick up some Cotton Classic to do some mitered squares with. I've never done a mitered square, but I am suddenly infatuated with them.

Sorry if this post is random...people are cleaning around me and sending me mental signals to GET. OUT. SO. THEY. CAN. LEAVE.

Gotta go!


Jennifer said...

Central Park Hoodie! It looks great.

Calling on Kahlo said...

CPH, of course! I knit it in Elizabeth Lavold very yummy.